
What is Breathwork?

Breathing is the only system in the body that is both automatic and under our control. Breathwork is a natural method of consciously breathing to create positive changes in our physiology, emotions, and mind. It's effective in opening up greater self awareness and transformation.

You will learn how improving breathing promotes health and physical relaxation, is effective in relieving stress, and optimizes energy. When our breathing flows fully and freely our natural restorative energy and creatively can flow freely. We just feel better. You can experience an energetic shift or release, a lightness, often after just one session. Repeated practice opens up your life in profound and lasting ways.

When working with Wendy, you will be held in a safe, loving space.  You will be guided to use your breath to release stored emotions, imprints from fears, anxieties, grief, and loss. One-on-one breathwork sessions consist of an intake discussion, and initial personal inventory to welcome what is coming up to be explored.  This helps to set the stage for the focus of our work together. The session includes a short gentle somatic movement practice to relax and ground the body, active breathing, integration and rest.  

Group breathwork is for you if you feel you don’t need a high-level of support and want to connect with your community on a deeper level. When we heal in groups our energy moves and opens in ways that individual healing cannot reach. The collective energy of a supported group can be an immensely powerful and freeing experience.


How is it practiced?

Lying down or sitting, the focus lies on the rhythmic, deep, softness of the connected breath - deeply inhaling, softly exhaling without pause. The rhythm of the connected breath allows you to go deep within and not bypass the subtle feelings and experiences always present in our lives.

This style of breathwork can incorporate any or all of the following - somatic movement, body mapping, touch, sound, affirmations, and movement to create a supported, powerful and profound transformative experience.

The intention is to integrate and heal emotions from experiences which were not adequately processed at the time. Later in life, these experiences are often not graspable with mind-consciousness, but are still there: residing in the body‘s memory, replaying themselves in our day to day lives so that we are still shaped by them. 

Benefits of Breathwork

  • Stress and anxiety can be reduced or released

  • It can induce deep relaxation and a meditative state

  • Release and unwind deep sadness, grief, loss and trauma

  • Breathwork encourages you to release core limiting beliefs

  • Increases energy levels

  • Boosts the immune system

  • Improves heart health, increases lung capacity

  • Increases self compassion

  • Boosts intuition and spiritual evolution

  • Safe way to achieve an expanded state of consciousness

Your breath has many gifts for you. Everyone’s process in breathwork is unique. Once your breath is flowing, you feel more whole, connected, creative, and joyflow.

Group events and retreats. Contact Wendy Here to see how she can support your next group event or retreat.

PLEASE READ -Breathwork is not advised for persons with severe mental illness or seizure disorders or for persons using major medications. It is also unsuitable for anyone with a personal or family history of aneurysms. Pregnant women are advised against practicing Breathwork without first consulting and getting approval from their primary care physician. Persons with asthma should bring their inhaler.